There are many people out there who are trying to swindle some dollars out of whoever Jane Austen's royalties go to now. These copycats are not at all pathetic.
Out of all of these moochers, the latest and arguably most pathetic is Seth Grahame-Smith, the author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. This "Classic Regency Romance - Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem" stars Elizabeth Bennet as a weapon-wielding zombie-killer who has a "delightful comedy of manners" with Mr. Darcy.
Am I going to have to be the first to say it? One word: No.
This is a funny idea, in the sense that if J.D. in Scrubs said, "Hey guys, what if Pride and Prejudice had... ZOMBIES?" you would probably laugh. However, this is not an idea worth devoting 320 pages of your time to. It's all very well if you didn't like reading Jane Austen in high school, but this isn't even particularly offensive to the original story; it's just page upon page of you supposedly laughing at the contrast between Regency England and zombies.
Seriously, let's all just face it: paying $12.95 for a paperback that will undoubtedly end up unread on your bookshelf is just not worth it. It's like Stephen Colbert running for President: the idea was funny initially, but when you take it too far, the humor slowly seeps away, like zombie blood on the Meryton fields.
mariagivesyouwiiings says:
hahah JD
and yes this book is infuriating
March 30, 2009 at 2:15 PM
I agree. I took a look, but the whole joke is in the first sentence.
August 7, 2009 at 6:46 AM