Now, I don't want to be too much of a hypocrite here. I am a girl, so yes, I shop at Victoria's Secret. It's pretty good quality underwear, and that's fine. However, recently it has started becoming something larger than itself, and that can never be a good thing.
Girls walking around carrying VS bags like they're purses: why? I don't need to know that you just bought underwear, and for the love of God, if you're that strapped for cash just carry your textbooks in your arms.
I'm also not into all this merchandise they've started bringing out. Nobody needs a Victoria's Secret notebook and pen. I don't particularly want sunglasses advertising where I shop for bras, either. Victoria's Secret candy? Really? It's a place to get your unmentionables, not a fun-fair.
The bottom of the sinking tar bit that Victoria's Secret merchandising is becoming, though, is all the coupons. "Better get this now; this coupon only lasts till tomorrow!" False. Those coupons are ALWAYS available and ALWAYS useless. And anyway, nobody actually wants the ugly brown panties made out of straw that they'll give you for free.
mariagivesyouwiiings says:
It kills me how I called out that Victoria's Secret employee for the promotion going on for eternity and never ending and she refused to admit that VS is full of SHIT
March 30, 2009 at 11:48 AM