
Russet Noon - Not Actually About Potatoes

I think it is not a stretch to say that the biggest crisis facing the world today is Twilight. (Shortly followed by AIDS, world hunger, and the fact that MTV doesn't play music anymore.) So what, you ask, could be worse than Twilight?

The answer, of course, is more twilight.

A sequel! Excellent, you say! Well, not so fast. It turns out that it is a sequel not being written by the original author. Neither is it endorsed by said author. This "sequel" is, in fact, a gigantic fanfiction written by a woman named LadySylliba.

Now, fanfiction is generally something of an evil in and of itself, seeing as how it's usually badly-written wish fulfullment about the author's favorite character, and this book is no exception. It picks up where the original books left off and apparently completely reverses everything, turning the werewolf Jacob who got jacked over in the original into the hero.

It gets even funnier when you realize, with very little sleuthing, that the publisher? Well, aside from the annoyingly loud beep that happens every time you click over a tab on their website, the main problem with the publisher is that it IS LadySylliba. And by little sleuthing, I mean going to her youtube channel.

While it's amazing that LadySylliba seems to think she won't have lawyers up her nose in approximately 3.4 seconds(the amount of time it takes Stephanie Meyer to stop sniffling about being upstaged and get angry about it), what's even more amazing really is that someone took the time out of their life to write a gigantic fanfiction to Twilight and then be enraged enough with the actual ending of the series to try to publish their own ending.

I ask you - why is this popular?


  1. mariagivesyouwiiings says:

    what does it say about me that i'm more curious about LadySylliba's fanfic than the original stories...

    in any case, at least she might make some money out of being a mindless tool

    March 28, 2009 at 4:16 PM

  2. Anonymous

    My answer to what could be more worse than Twilight is the movie.
    I ask the same question of why it's so popular when I watched this video:

    March 29, 2009 at 1:53 PM

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